Scary Nigerian Urban Legends- Madam Koi Koi

Edwin "Dwin, The Stoic" Madu
The Stoic by Edwin Madu
2 min readJul 15, 2013


This is the first post in my spooky category. One of many *evil laugh*.
An urban legend is like a folktale or an actual legend but the thing about it is it is usually not set in the olden days but in modern times and it gives it that feeling of being true since you can relate to it but some of them are lies. Some.
In this first chapter I am going to talk about the famous Madam Koi Koi. She is said to have been a teacher in a federal government secondary school who lost her job and died in accident and till date she goes from school to school trying to kill students but her red heels give her away making d sounds *koi koi* hence the name.
In her back story, she used to be a nice teacher who always wore her red heels and called attention to herself whenever she passed by. For some reason she lost her job and I guess the students had a hand in it so she was obviously pissed and vengeful and all that. She is said to have died a few days afterwards, a jobless and unhappy woman.
It is said, if you hear her coming, stay in your room, for some reason she only comes to boarding schools and that if you ever come out you are a goner.
So, I wrote this at about 2am and I am spooked so I have to go now.

Listen though for d sounds of her heels
D woman who has sworn to kill
Every girl and every boy
The dreadful Madam Koi Koi

Y’all take care! #Bless!

